Thank you for taking the time and visiting my web pages. I do hope you will visit and browse the gallery and I only ask that you respect my copyright. Many of the gallery photographs are available free of charge to subject related societies, charities educational establishments and Wildlife Trusts. You can find more information on my offer of free wildlife images by clicking on Free Wildlife Images or the link in the navigation bar. Nature and the planet generally gives me an absorbing hobby and these free wildlife photographs are, I feel, a way of giving something back.
The gallery section is there for all to browse and is a working gallery containing good photographs and bad. The bad pic's are there for a reason and are often posted to forums to illustrate a point or two. The Gallery is based on wildlife and outdoor photography with a particular bias towards wildlife, flora and fauna, which are my favourite subjects. The individual albums there include Butterflies, Damsels and Dragons, Insects, Birds, Mammals, Landscape etc. with a number of holiday places around the UK.
A few screen photo’s from my favourite computer game using the “in game” camera. My favourite computer game from 1984 which has been upgraded over the years and started as a wire frame graphic space simulation to the current version with stunning space displays. Part of it’s popularity is by being a space simulation it has no end game. It is more a way of life perhaps in the future and the developers, Frontier Developments, offer many things to choose from. Frontier is still run by David Braben, one of the two developers of the ‘84 original.
I hope you enjoy your visit.
Welcome to my DenisG web site. It is not a show case, just a few pages regarding my hobby of photography and the nature and places I enjoy. Born 1948 in a village almost on the banks of the river Wear near Durham, I started trout fishing at an early age and learned to appreciate the beauty of the flora and fauna of those halcyon days. I no longer fish and live in Yorkshire now but my love of the countryside has stayed with me and so I try to capture it on camera instead of hook and line. Below are just a few notes on the various sections of the site.
See also the Brayton Barff website.
Just a few hundred yards from our home is Brayton Barff, a small, public access,
ancient woodland which is where our dogs are exercised at least twice every day.
The Barff has a good range of flora and fauna to keep a wide range of locals interested
and especially birds and fungi. In fact, despite living here for over 30 years now,
2012 was the best year I can remember for fungi, not only for the number of different
species but for the quantity available all the year through. Having said that, for
an all-
This is my most regular photography haunt at the moment. The Barff also produces some excellent landscape opportunities too when the weather is right.
Sometimes you take breaks, day visits and holidays and the location just takes your breath away. This can be factors such as stunning views, lots of nature subjects you don’t see at home, friendly and helpful local folk, fantastic walks. Sometimes mother nature can even put all of them together AND throw in good weather as well. This section of my website shows a few of those places that we have been fortunate enough to rent cottages in and have left fantastic and memorable impressions for the mind to mull over on those cold wet days.
Places include Embleton in Northumberland, Norfolk, The Forest of Dean, Kirroughtree Forest in Scotland and many more I hope to write about now I am retired.
Embleton |
Brayton Barff |
Duffield Carrs |
Kirroughtree |
Norfolk |
Silverband Falconry |
Fairburn Ings |
Embleton |
Brayton Barff |
Duffield Carrs |
Kirroughtree |
Norfolk |
Silverband Falconry |
Fairburn Ings |