The Gallery is free standing and based on the Coppermine programme which offers the
visitor many options of how to view and in what order. A slide show option is also
available together with a simple method of rating the pictures if you wish. Your
comments are also welcome.
There are individual albums for the following subjects. Clicking the thumbnail below
will take you directly to that subject
My home turf. Only a few hundred yards from our home, the Barff is a small woodland
which we visit at least twice a day with our dogs. It is home to much wildlife, flora
and fauna, and produces a number of spectacular displays. The bluebells of April
and May are special, although the annual displays of fungi during almost every months
of the year are also worth searching for. The fungi display during 2012 was probably
the best I can remember. The rain probably helped!.
Albums from some of our family Holidays and places including Brayton Barff which
is my local woodland haunt. These galleries include many nature and landscape shots
and flora and fauna found in the immediate locality. This Locations category includes: