Most viewed - Fungi

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A7-1852.jpgBeefsteak Fugi, Fistulina hepatica154 viewsBeefsteak Fugi, Fistulina hepatica

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sx240-1476.jpgDead Mans Fingers124 viewsDead Mans Fingers - Xylaria polymorpha

sx240-1498.jpgBirch Polypore Bracket124 viewsBirch Polypore Bracket - Piptoporus betulinus

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sx240-1395.jpgBrown Birch Bolete123 viewsBrown Birch Bolete - Leccinum scabrum

sx240-1499.jpgBirch Polypore Bracket121 viewsBirch Polypore Bracket - Piptoporus betulinus

sx240-1533.jpgCommon Earthball120 viewsCommon Earthball - Scleroderma citrinium

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sx240-1505.jpgCandlesnuff or Stag's Horn118 viewsKnown as Candlesnuff or Stag's Horn - Xylaria hypoxylon

sx240-1396.jpgBrown Birch Bolete116 viewsBrown Birch Bolete - Leccinum scabrum

sx240-1353.jpgOrange Peel Fungus106 viewsOrange Peel Fungus - Aleuria aurantia

sx240-1539.jpgOrange Peel Fungus105 viewsOrange Peel Fungus - Aleuria aurantia

sx240-1459.jpgOrange Peel Fungus104 viewsOrange Peel Fungus - Aleuria aurantia

sx240-1509.jpgOrange Milkcap104 viewsOrange Milkcap - Lactarius aurantiacus

sx240-1553.jpgOrange Milkcap103 viewsOrange Milkcap - Lactarius aurantiacus

sx240-1506.jpgOrange Milkcap102 viewsOrange Milkcap - Lactarius aurantiacus

sx240-1346.jpgLacquered Bracket101 viewsLacquered Bracket - Ganoderma lucidum. A medicinal fungi for over 5000 years!

sx240-1446.jpgParasol Mushroom101 viewsParasol Mushroom - Macrolepiota procera

sx240-1460.jpgHare's Foot Inkcap101 viewsHare's Foot Inkcap - Coprinus lagopus

sx240-1495.jpgLacquered Bracket and Birch Polypore101 viewsLacquered Bracket and Birch Polypore on same tree.

sx240-1361.jpgStubble Rosegill100 viewsStubble Rosegill - Volvariella gloiocephala

sx240-1393.jpgScarlet Wax Cap, Scarlet Hood100 viewsFungi; Scarlet Wax Cap or Scarlet Hood - Hygrocybe coccinea

sx240-1467.jpgStubble Rosegill99 viewsStubble Rosegill - Volvariella gloiocephala

sx240-1375.jpgOrange Peel Fungus98 viewsOrange Peel Fungus - Aleuria aurantia

sx240-1359.jpgOrange Peel Fungus97 viewsOrange Peel Fungus - Aleuria aurantia

sx240-1386.jpgOrange Peel Fungus97 viewsOrange Peel Fungus - Aleuria aurantia

sx240-1507.jpgOrange Milkcap97 viewsOrange Milkcap - Lactarius aurantiacus

sx240-1536.jpgShaggy Parasol96 viewsShaggy Parasol - Macrolepiota rhacodes

sx240-1362.jpgStubble Rosegill94 viewsStubble Rosegill - Volvariella gloiocephala

sx240-1347.jpgLacquered Bracket93 viewsLacquered Bracket - Ganoderma lucidum. A medicinal fungi for over 5000 years!

sx240-1394.jpgScarlet Wax Cap, Scarlet Hood93 viewsFungi; Scarlet Wax Cap or Scarlet Hood - Hygrocybe coccinea

sx240-1468.jpgHare's Foot Inkcap93 viewsHare's Foot Inkcap - Coprinus lagopus

sx240-1365.jpgStubble Rosegill91 viewsStubble Rosegill - Volvariella gloiocephala

sx240-1518.jpgStubble Rosegill91 viewsStubble Rosegill - Volvariella gloiocephala

sx240-1526.jpgHare's Foot Inkcap91 viewsHare's Foot Inkcap - Coprinus lagopus

sx240-1246.jpgHoney Fungus78 viewsHoney Fungus, Boot-lace Fungus - Armillaria mellea

sx240-1267.jpgCandlesnuff76 viewsCandlesnuff or Stag's Horn - Xylaria hypoxylon

F770-0127.jpgLepiota procera, Parasol mushroom75 viewsLepiota procera, Parasol mushroom

F770-0125.jpgLepiota procera?75 viewsLepiota procera, Parasol mushroom

F770-0956.jpgFly Agaric - Amanita muscaria75 viewsFly Agaric, Brayton Barff

F770-0963.jpgFairies Bonnets, Coprinus disseminatus75 viewsFairies Bonnets, Brayton Barff

F770-0967.jpgFairies Bonnets, Coprinus disseminatus74 viewsFairies Bonnets, Brayton Barff

sx240-1167.jpgSpecies?74 viewsCould be one of many, anyone know?

sx240-1245.jpgHoney Fungus74 viewsHoney Fungus, Boot-lace Fungus - Armillaria mellea